People often come with a question that How to Lose Arm Fat? Losing stubborn body fat can be really difficult and tricky, especially when you are concerned about one specific place of your body. Arm fat is one of the most common problem areas. Have you ever noticed yourself, when your arm fat is hanging at your side only to check that your upper arms are much wider and broader than your overall body? You are not alone in this race. People wear long sleeves clothes just to hide their insecurity.

Most people complain about their arm fat. When you are searching on google that How to Lose Arm Fat, there are many ways by which you can tone your arms and lose fat. 

Here are 6 Tips to Help You Lose Arm Fat:

1. Eat clean & avoid junk food.

2. Weight Lifting / Strength train

3. Lose weight overall

4. Don’t skip cardio

5. Sleep

6. Keep yourself well hydrated 

Eat Clean & Avoid Junk Food

Let’s make it very straight and clear that you cannot lose fat without eating clean healthy food. This might be the toughest part for most people to understand, but you can never accomplish your target weight without avoiding those extra spoons, added sugar, burgers, and cheese. There’s a famous saying that Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

It may look like an impossible task but it is easier and simpler than you have ever imagined, all you need to do is to focus and train your mind. The key here is to eat only real food. This is the first and most important part of your answer on How to Lose Arm Fat.

how to lose arm fat

What You Need to EAT;

  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Veggies
how to lose arm fat

You need to fill up your plate with lots of vegetables, avoid red meat, and try to consume only lean protein sources. Also, you need to check the size of your portions as well. Add whole grain to add some healthy carbs and fibers to your diet.


  • Added sugar
  • Refined carbs
  • Trans fats
6 tips to reduce arm fat

Avoid all kinds of added sugar like candy, cakes, cookies, and all sweet processed products. Also don’t forget to avoid drinks as well such as Sugar-sweetened drinks, such as soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, and juice drinks. Also make sure to not ear refined carbs such as white bread, white pasta, etc.

Check out our Complete Nutrition Store.

Weight Lifting / Strength train

This is probably the best time to start some physical activity to reduce arm fat and tone your arms. It is very also a very effective exercise to reduce belly fat. To perform this exercise, you need to select a heavy item from your household to use as a weight lifter. You can use a water bottle of 2 liters. If you have a pair of dumbbells at home it will work even great. You can eventually add more weights once you get used to it. It will tone your arms and will eventually lead to fat loss. 

Don’t Skip Cardio

While doing strength and weight lifting to tone up your arms to look more defined, cardio is the best way to shed some fat that is causing your arms to look wiggle and bulgy. Cardio is also very effective for overall weight loss, it builds stamina as well. You can start with 30-45 min jogging and then add some cycling and other cardio workouts. The second most important thing to answer the question of How to Lose Arm Fat?

Lose Weight Overall

How to Lose Arm Fat? Well, you need to understand that you can not only target a particular area of your body, you will need to target your body and overall health, when you will lose some kilos you will notice a difference in your arm fat as well.

Keep Yourself Well Hydrated 

Keeping yourself well hydrated also contributes so much to losing weight. Water contains zero calories, it detoxifies your body and helps to get rid of the waste material from the body it also adds in boosting your metabolism which leads to shedding extra pounds. Also, it is very good for your skin and nails + drinking a glass of water before a meal can reduce your appetite. You should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water depending upon your work nature.

An Adequate Amount of Sleep

We all know that 8-hour sleep is very important for our health but have you ever questioned that how it helps to lose weight? Especially when we are addressing How to Lose Arm Fat we cannot neglect the importance of proper sleep. Sleepy minds distract easily and end up eating more and wrong food, they tend to face difficulty in saying no. Also, sleeplessness makes your body metabolism really slow that’s why people face difficulty losing weight. The other important reason is when your sleeping routine is disturbed your cortisol level spikes, which leads your body to start storing fat.

To keep up with your diet plant you can buy different products from Complete Nutrition. You can also use their guidelines on How To Lose Arm Fat.